Thursday, January 28, 2010

Week 3

Two little bluebirds sitting on a wall
One named Peter, one named Paul
Fly away Peter, fly away Paul
Come back Peter, come back Paul.

Round and round the haystack
Looking for a hare
Where shall we find one?
Oh! Right there!

Round about, round about
Went the wee mouse
Up a bit, up a bit
Into his house.

__________went to Grandpa's farm
Billy goat chased him round the barn
Chased him up the apple tree
And this is what he said to me:
"I like coffee, I like tea
I like my friends and my friends like me."
Who's next? Who's next?

I had a horse his name was Jack
I rode his tail to save his back
His tail fell off, and I fell back
Whoaaa, Jack!

Grandpa Grigg had a pig
In a field of clover
Piggy died, grandpa cried
And all the fun was over!

Rickety rickety rocking horse
Over the fields we go
Rickety rickety rocking horse
Giddy-up, giddy-up. Whoaaa!

To market to market to buy a fat pig
Home again home again jiggity jig.
To market to market to buy a fat hop
Home again home again jiggity jog.

The farm is in a flurry
The rooster's caught the flu
His cock-a-doodle-doo has changed
To cock-a-doodle-CHOO!

The cows in the barn (Tune: The Wheels on the Bus)
go moo, moo, moo
moo, moo, moo
moo, moo, moo
The cows in the barn
go moo, moo, moo
All day long.
Other verses: ducks in the pond, sheep in the field, pigs in the pen,...

Ring around the rosie
A pocket full of posie
Husha husha
We all fall down!

The cows are in the meadow
Eating buttercups
We all jump up!

As I was walking down the street
Down the street, down the street
A nice new friend I chanced to meet
High-ho, high-ho, high-ho
A rig-a-jig-jig-jig and away we go
Away we go, away we go
A rig-a-jig-jig-jig and away we go
High-h0, high-ho, high-ho!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Week 2

Criss-cross, applesauce (make an X on baby's back)
Spider crawling up your back (crawl fingers up baby's back)
Cool breeze (blow on baby's neck)
Tight squeeze (hug baby)
Now you've got the shivers! (tickle baby)

Crackers and crumbs
Crackers and crumbs
These are my fingers
These are my thumbs
These are my eyes
These are my ears
They're going to grow in the next 10 years!

This little piggy went to market
This little piggy stayed home
This little piggy had roast beef
This little piggy had none
This little piggy cried wee, wee, wee
All the way home!

Baa baa black sheep
Have you any wool?
Yes sir, yes sir
Three bags full
One for my master
And one for my dame
One for the little boy
Who lives down the lane.
Baa baa black sheep
Have you any wool?
Yes sir, yes sir
Three bags full.

Twinkle twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are?
Up above the world so high
Like a diamond in the sky
Twinkle twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are?

Parachute Song
Red and yellow, green and blue
Green and blue, green and blue
Red and yellow, green and blue
These are the colours over you!

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
Humpty Dumpty fell in a puddle
Humpty Dumpty needs a big cuddle.

Trot trot to London
Trot trot to Dover
Look out baby
You might fall over!
Trot trot to London
Trot trot to Flynn
Look out baby
You might fall in!

Acka backa soda cracker
Acka backa boo!
Acka backa soda cracker
Up goes you! (lift baby)
Acka backa soda cracker
Acka backa boo!
Acka backa soda cracker
I love you! (hug baby)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Week 1

Welcome to the Shake, Rattle & Read Blog!

Where did you get that little red nose?
Jack Frost kissed it I suppose.
He kissed it once, he kissed it twice.
Poor little nose it's as cold as ice!

Pizza, pickle, pumpernickle (Do this rhyme on baby's tummy or hand)
My little one shall have a tickle
One for his nose, one for his toes
One for his tummy where the hotdog goes!

I hide my hands, I shake my hands
I give a little clap
I clap my hands, I shake my hands
I fold them in my lap
Hide them, shake them
Hide them, shake them
Clap, clap, clap

Fe, fi, fo, fum (clap 4x)
See my fingers, see my thumbs (show fingers, then thumbs)
Fe, fi, fo, fum (clap 4x)
Goodbye fingers, goodby thumbs! (hide fingers, hide thumbs)

The wind blows down the chimney
The wind blows through the trees
The wind blows baby up and down
Upon her mommy's knees.

While going down a country road
From Jarvis to Port Dover
My wheel got stuck inside a rut
And I went tumbling over, whoops
Over, whoops, over, whoops
I went tumbling over, whoops!

(Tune: Shortenin' Bread)
Tiny little baby loves bouncing, bouncing
Tiny little baby loves bouncing so
Tiny little baby loves bouncing, bouncing
Tiny little baby loves bouncing so.
Bounce to the left, bounce to the right
Now hug that baby nice and tight!

Ride a little pony down to town
Better be careful you don't fall down!

Hello everybody and how are you, how are you, how are you?
Hello everybody and how are you. How are you today?
(clap hands, stamp feet, wave hello, blow a kiss)

Mr. Pop-up, Mr. Pop-up
Where are you, where are you?
Please come out to see us
Please come out to see us
Peek-a-boo, peek-a-boo!!

Wake up toes, wake up toes
Wake up toes and wiggle, wiggle, wiggle
Wake up toes, wake up toes
Wake and a-wiggle in the morning!
(insert other parts of the body)

The eency weency spider
Climbed up the water spout
Down came the rain
And washed the spider out
Out came the sun
And dried up all the rain
And the eency weency spider
Climbed up the spout againg!

Canadian Eency Weency Spider
The eency weency spider
Climbed up the water spout
Down came the snow
And washed the spider out
Out came the sun
But it didn't do a thing
So the eency weency spider
Will have to wait for Spring!